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Forestry and Land Scotland – Cologin Forest

Although we’re currently closed at Cologin the site has been busy recently as Scottish Forestry have taken advantage of the restrictions to take a long overdue look at Cologin forest. The track to the loch has been closed whilst they undertake some tree felling. Hopefully, once this thinning has taken place more sunlight will reach the ground and allow for a less muddy walk for both humans and canines. The forest has not been thinned for many years and whilst it is inconvenient for locals and Obanites in the short term the long term benefits will be worth it.

Once we have the new land management plan for Cologin Forest later this year we will share it on our facebook page. The emphasis should be on improving accessibility for leisure use, but of course we can’t ignore the fact that the trees are being grown for commercial production. At some point in the future felling will take place of mature trees and new native species will need to be planted. We consider ourselves lucky to have this wonderful natural resource within easy walking distance from our farm. It is the closest forestry to Oban and attracts many walkers.

Guests are reminded that if felling is in operation then access will be restricted. This is always well signed at the main entrance to the forest from the top field above the farm.